The Lifegiving Power of a Verbal Home for Family Faith Formation
Sally & Clay Clarkson
Bethany House Publishers, 2022
6x9, 256pp, hardcover, $22.99
Co-titled but written by me
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As a parent, your heart’s desire is to guide your children to love and follow God. Yet so many voices are offering help and advice. Whose voice should shape your children? The answer is as simple as it is powerful: yours. Giving Your Words explores how to use your own words to shape your child’s life for Christ. Gain the confidence you seek to personally and intentionally cultivate a verbal home, one filled with words of faith formation and spiritual nurture. Then, when your children “take your words for it,” they will hear God’s voice.

The Awaking Wonder Experience
A Guided Companion
Sally & Clay Clarkson
Bethany House Publishers, 2020
6x9, 128pp, paperback, $10.99
Co-titled but written by me
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Raising children who live flourishing lives as adults begins with awaking your child’s heart, mind, and strength to the wonder of God’s Word and work in the world. This companion guide to Awaking Wonder directs you and your children along the path of wonder and learning—inspiring insights, biblical wisdom, practical ideas, and planning tips. It also includes a section for building a 12-month plan for awaking wonder in your children.

The Lifegiving Parent
Giving Your Child a Life Worth Living for Christ
Clay & Sally Clarkson
Tyndale House Publishers, 2018
6x9, 254pp, paperback, $16.99
Co-titled but written by me
Purchase now on Amazon
In today’s world, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and even paralyzed by the constant flow of parenting advice. We’re flooded with so much practical information that we wonder if we’re choosing the right way. And we may be missing the one thing God really wants us to give to our children: His life.
God didn’t include a divine methodology for parenting in the Bible. But He does provide principles that can enable faithful parents to bring His life into their homes. The Lifegiving Parent explores eight key principles—heartbeats of lifegiving parenting—to shed light on what it means to create a home where your children will experience the living God alive in your family.

The Lifegiving Parent Experience
A 10-Week Journey of Parenting for Christ
Clay & Sally Clarkson
Tyndale House Publishers, 2018
6x9, 148pp, paperback, $9.99
Co-titled but written by me
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Christian parenting is not meant to be a solo or silo experience. If we’re honest, as parents we can all worry about how we are parenting and if we’re doing enough. In this companion resource to The Lifegiving Parent, you will discover though Scripture, discussion question, and prayer prompts the tools and wisdom you need to create a home where your children will experience the living God in your family. And each week, you’ll get a peek into the home of Josh and Molly McPherson as they learn how to make God come alive for their four children. Open the doors, windows, and vents of your home to let in the love, light, and life of God.

Educating the WholeHearted Child
WholeHearted Christian Home Education for Ages 4-14 | Discipleship. Whole Books. Real Life.
Clay Clarkson, with Sally Clarkson
Whole Heart Press, 2019, 4th ed.
8.5x11, 384pp, paperback, $24.00
Co-titled but written by me
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Since 1994, Educating the WholeHearted Child has provided a trusted roadmap for families on the homeschooling journey. This new fourth edition will help you faithfully and confidently nurture, disciple, and educate your wholehearted child at home. You’ll learn:
* How to cultivate a vital Christian home where learning can be as natural as playing.
* How to see and plan every day through the lens of the WholeHearted Learning model.
* How to teach confidently with proven, parent-friendly methods to achieve your goals.
* How to maintain a balanced life and home through family, structure, order, and support.
* How to understand your child’s unique learning style to help them grow and thrive.
You’ll find in this trusted guide a comprehensive model not just for Christian home education, but also for the Christian home. It’s the whole picture—you, your children, your home, and God.

Our 24 Family Ways
A Family Devotional Guide
Clay Clarkson
Whole Heart Press, 2012, 3rd Edition
8.5x11, 156pp, paperback, 16.95
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Train your children in the “way” they should go—teach them Bible truths and principles, train them in Christian character and values, strengthen their relationship with the Lord. Children, teens, and parents will all enjoy Our 24 Family Ways, a multi-purpose family devotional guide that will shape hearts in your home for God and his ways. It’s easy to use, and hard to forget.
* 120 complete family devotional outlines, five for each Way
* 24 easy-to-learn family Ways in six key areas of family life
* 24 Scripture memory passages, one for each Way
* 24 character quality definitions, one for each Way
* 25 original screened illustrations, one for each Way plus Prov 22:6
* 25 line art coloring pages to entertain your children as they learn

Our 24 Family Ways Kids Color-In Book
Companion book to Our 24 Family Ways
Clay Clarkson
Whole Heart Press, 2012
8.5x11, 42pp, paperback, $5.99
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The perfect companion product for your children of all ages as you learn Our 24 Family Ways together. Includes all 25 line-art coloring pages, O24FW practice pages for learning the Ways, commitment and completion pages, “My Family Ways” pages for new ways in your family, and more. It’s a quality coloring book with a purpose that will motivate your child to learn the Ways, and that they take pride in owning.

Heartfelt Discipline
Following God’s Path of Life to the Heart of Your Child
Clay Clarkson
Whole Heart Press, 2014, 3rd ed. (WaterBrook Press, 2003)
6x9, 282pp, paperback, $16.00
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As a Christian parent, you know your children need you to “bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” The Bible is clear about what you should do. But what about how you should do it? Your answer will shape how your children remember your parenting and family.
Heartfelt Discipline contends there is no divine “how to” formula for childhood discipline. Rather, there is a “way.” It’s the path of life, the path we walk with God. It’s about faith, grace, freedom, and heart, expressed in three principles of discipline as you walk the path with your children: Direction, Correction, and Protection.
Learn what the Bible really says about childhood discipline. It’s all about “path of life parenting.” It will change how you think about childhood discipline and put you on the path of life to your child’s heart.

Taking Motherhood to Hearts
A Guide to Starting, Leading, and Tending Your Mom Heart Group
Sally & Clay Clarkson
Whole Heart Press, 2015
6x9, 182pp, paperback, $10.99
Co-titled but written by me
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“You can make a difference.” We live in a rapidly secularizing culture that is losing its heart for biblical motherhood. For over two decades, Sally Clarkson has called mothers back to God’s design, driven by her passion to restore mom’s hearts to God’s heart for motherhood.
Taking Motherhood to Hearts provides a picture for ministry-minded moms for how to start, lead, and tend a Mom Heart small group. It offers inspirational “why to” vision, practical “how to” advice, and motivational “can do” encouragement. Motherhood is more than just a biblical duty; it is a ministry of discipleship. This book shows how to have a meaningful ministry to moms that will make a difference for eternity.

10 Gifts of Heart
What Your Child Needs to Take to Heart Before Leaving Home
Sally Clarkson (Clay Clarkson, editor)
Whole Heart Press, 2017
5.5x8.5, 208pp, paperback, 11.99
A fully revised and expanded version of 10 Gifts of Wisdom.
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Every parent wants their child to grown into a gracious and competent adult. Faith, character, manners, initiative, gratitude—these are just a few of the qualities and skills children need to take to heart before they leave home. yet parents today do not always have a clear vision for how to cultivate those traits, or an understanding of how to train a child’s heart to excellence and goodness.
10 Gifts of Heart motivates and empowers parents to accept the challenge to spiritually influence and direct their child’s heart. It is filled with personal examples, engaging stories, practical suggestions, and heartfelt encouragement. It is, at its heart, a book of vision and inspiration for shaping a child’s heart to want to follow and please God.