Spiritual Songs
Paul twice admonishes the new church, in his letters to the Ephesians and the Colossians, to sing “spiritual songs” (odes in Greek) that would unify the body of Christ. Music in the church was to come from the indwelling of the word of Christ in each local body, and result in love and peace toward one another, and praise and thanksgiving to God. Spiritual songs may be for singing or for listening—part of the corporately sung service of worship, a song of prayer or desire, or simply a testimony of grace to be heard. Perhaps these should be considered the songs of the people.
Lyrics: Click on the linked song title to open a lyric PDF in a separate window.
ON THIS TABLE - This song was originally a sonnet in a series of seven on the last words of Christ from the cross. I consider “commit” the penultimate of those words, from Luke 23:46, “And Jesus, crying out with a loud voice, said, ‘Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit.’ Having said this, He breathed His last.” The word that Jesus uses for “commit” means to place food on a table.
THE RISING DAY - This song was written for an Eastertide concert and CD in 2019. I wanted to find another way to express the resurrection of Christ, and “rising” as an active verb appealed to me. I wanted to write a song like Chris Eaton’s “Saviour’s Day” so I could use bagpipes, but it wasn’t to be for this song. It is a call to the body of Christ to come and celebrate his rising from death.
LORD OF ALL - This is a song full of familiar biblical ideas and language, that touches on a variety of different concepts about trusting God. It is an expression of my desire to “give my all to the Lord of all.” This is one of the first songs I wrote once I discovered a guitar technique called “drop D” tuning (I was very late to alternate tunings). I just enjoy the feel and texture of the song.
King of My Heart
Lord God of Hosts (Sanctus)
Come to the Table
Kyrie Eleison